Sacem members elect representative to the board of directors 2024-2025

June 19 2024

On Tuesday June 18, the Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music (Sacem), held its Annual General Meeting, renewed its Board of Directors for one year.

The mission of the Board of Directors is to make all essential decisions to carry out the business Sacem.

Its members are elected by their peers — authors, composers and publishers — for three years (two years for writer-directors). Sacem members are called upon each year to renew the mandate of one-third of the directors, by category. The chair is chosen by the new Board of Directors for a one-year renewable term of office.



©Jean-Baptiste Millot

Newly elected*

Chair:  Patrick Sigwalt, composer
Vice-Chair: Richard Seff, author
Vice-Chair: Arnold Turboust, composer
Vice-Chair: Cécile Bernier, publisher 
Treasurer: Vanessa Bertran, author
Deputy Treasurer: Bruno Lion, publisher 
Secretary general: Juliette Metz, publisher
Deputy Secretary: Dominique Dalcan, composer*

Elisabeth Anaïs, author
Vincent Baguian, author 
Jean-Christophe Bourgeois, publisher*
Jean-Yves d’Angelo, composer
Rodolphe Dardalhon
, publisher
Anne Dorr, author-director
Princess Erika, author*
Brice Homs, author*
Manu Katché, composer*
Don Kent, author-director*
Marc Lumbroso, publisher*
Michael Tordjman, composer




Published June 19 2024