Concerts, shows - Register your setlists and events online

June 2024

Singer-songwriters, comedians, DJs, publishers, register your setlists and events online on your member account.

This is an essential step to enable the collection and distribution of your author’s rights.

Ease of registration, monitoring of your rights… discover the many advantages and functionalities these services offer you.


Go to the menu of your member account > My setlists and events > Register a setlist.


1-  You create your setlist by selecting the works you perform in the search engine.

2- You can immediately associate one or more events with your setlist.

You can create as many setlists as you want. You have up to 6 months before the date of your event and 6 months after to make your registration.




  • You must register all your events (in France and abroad) and the completeness of the works performed, not just the works of your creation.
  • You are a DJ: you must only register events considered to be concerts. If you are a nightclub resident, this is another distribution method, you do not have to register your performance online.
  • You are a conductor: register your setlists as a singer-songwriter.
  • You are a jazz improviser: register your setlists as a singer-songwriter and add the names of the improvisers on the works concerned in the 3rd step of the registration.

Importing events for publishers

You publish singer-songwriters: you can register setlists and events for them from your member account.

To facilitate your registrations, the “Import events” service, reserved for publishers, allows you to register up to 100 events at once by importing an Excel file.

Go to your member account > My setlists and events > Import events.

Event distribution status

In the Consult my events section, you can view the distribution status for each event.



Distribution status key:

Distribution status key


Amounts distributed per setlist


In the Consult my setlists section, click on See my allocated rights to get the following information on each of your setlists:

  • The total amount of rights distributed for that setlist.
  • The amount of rights per distribution.
  • The list of events processed per distribution.

Cancelling events


In the Consult my events section, you can cancel any events, as long as it hasn’t yet been processed for distribution. Simply click on Cancel the event to complete this action.

When you cancel an event it will no longer appear in your member account.

Any events cancelled by Sacem will be labelled with the distribution status Cancelled. Click on the information icon to the right of the status to view the reason given for the cancellation:


List of cancellation reasons:

  • This event did not take place.
  • This event has already been registered by another participant, only one declaration is taken into account.
  • This event is not eligible for distribution by date (see the distribution policy rules).
  • The information registered does not make it possible to identify this event.


A reason may not be given for some cancelled events. Our IT system is currently undergoing upgrades to ensure that a cancellation reason is systematically displayed. In the meantime, if you wish to know the reason why a specific event was cancelled by Sacem, please contact the Sacem regional office for where the event was held.

The information registered is incorrect and does not allow this event to be distributed.

How to download your events data

You can download an Excel file listing all the events you have registered by heading to the Consult my events section and clicking on Download my events.

You can choose to download a list of all your events or apply filters to select the data you want to view.

The file contains all the information about your events, including their distribution status.


Useful information

  • If an event is labelled with Date identifiée par la Sacem (Event identified by Sacem), this means that Sacem is already aware of the event (detected by Sacem, informed by the event organiser, etc.). If this event has not been linked to a setlist, you will need to re-register the event and link the setlist to it. Sacem will automatically update and remove any duplicate entries.
  • If an event has the status “Processing” or “Collection ongoing” more than a year after it was registered, please make a claim using the online claims service via your member account (Menu > Contact > My claims).
  • Tutorials are available to you on > > Documents and resources:

> How to register setlists and events?

> Publishers : How to import events?

> How to consult the distribution of you events?


Published June 26 2024